Counter Cultural by Erah Society

63/ Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Path (Season 5 Finale)

Episode Notes

In this seasonal finale, Alex & I sat together and he held space while I poured my heart out. These are some of my most intimate thoughts, ideals & beliefs about business & entrepreneurship as a spiritual path. 

I had never heard this concept before but as I reflected over 5 seasons of this podcast, 12 years as an entrepreneur & 5 in this current business, so much has come into clarity. Aquarian Business is akin to a spiritual path. Do you want to understand yourself deeper? Uncover your power & allow your weaknesses to be made whole. Choose Aquarian Business. Choose Holistic Business. Choose Conscious Entrepreneurship. 

For all of my entrepreneurs who felt like they had to reject a part of themselves, this is for you. 

Enjoy & see you next season. Love, Jas.

For the complete Show Notes, head here-


Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Path article

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